For Nonprofit Agencies
United Way of Horry County Grant Funding Opportunities
United Way of Horry County offers two grant funding opportunities: Community Investment Grants (previous allocations process) and a Capacity Building Grant Program.
Competitive Investment Grants
Through the Community Impact Model, United Way of Horry County (UWHC) is addressing the needs of today while diligently working on getting to the root causes of key issues. With the community’s support, we focus on four priority areas: Health, Education, Self-Sufficiency,and Basic Needs. To see our bold community goals, please see our Community Game Plan.
UWHC depends on our community members to help make important funding decisions by volunteering to serve on one of the five Community Impact Vision Councils (VCs) (Health, Education, Self-Sufficiency, Basic Needs, and Finance). These volunteers help determine how undesignated United Way Annual Campaign donations will be distributed to local agencies and services throughout Horry County to make a lasting impact. The Finance VC is responsible for reviewing all financial documentation for all applicants.
All agencies must choose the Bold Community Goal the program best aligns with.
UWHC will consider requests between $10,000 – $40,000 (requests must be less than 30% of program expenses).
To learn more about the 2025 UWHC Competitive Grants, please review this PowerPoint presentation.
Monday, October 28 – Friday, December 13, 2024 – UWHC 2025 Competitive Grant Applications open: Applications for a one-year grant will be accepted beginning October 28 and ending December 13 at 11:59pm. Agencies must request an application by answering a few questions before they can receive the full application.
October 28 – applications open
November 8 – deadline to request access to the full application
December 13 – applications close
Between December 16 – December 20, 2024: Completed applications will be sent to Vision Councils for review
Agency Year-End Reports are due on Friday, January 17 for current 2024 grantee agencies. Reports will be sent to Vision Councils on Monday, January 20.
Between February 3 – 7, 2025 – Vision Councils will meet virtually to discuss the applications that were reviewed and scored (application scored based on preset scoring criteria)
Between February 10 – 28, 2025: Vision Councils will conduct one-hour site visits of applicant agencies that have been reviewed. Questions from the review of the application and report will be asked at site visits.
Between March 10 – 14, 2025: Vision Councils will meet in person with the UWHC Allocations Chair to make final funding recommendations to be brought to the UWHC Board of Directors meeting for final approval (2-hour meeting)
End of March 2025: Agencies are notified of 2025 grant award
April 2025: Agencies that are awarded funding will receive the first quarter’s payment from January – March and then will receive regular monthly allocation amounts for the rest of 2025
Shared Expectations. Shared Outcomes. Shared Impact
When collected and used effectively, shared outcomes can help supporters work collaboratively with organizations to:
- Measure and clearly articulate that they are making the difference intended for the people they serve.
- Implement ongoing quality improvement at the programmatic level; and
- Inform stakeholders and the community on where and why programming is working or not working and how they are working to improve it.
- Empower others to advocate on the program’s behalf by having readily available “talking points.”
UWHC has created shared performance measures in partnership with United Way Worldwide, our four vision councils, and currently funded grantee agencies. You can see the shared performance measures for each pillar below:
Health Shared Performance Measures
Education Shared Performance Measures
Self-Sufficiency Shared Performance Measures
Basic Needs Shared Performance Measures
Each applicant agency is required to choose at least one measurable objective under the pillar of the bold community goal they are applying for. Under the chosen measurable objective, an agency must choose at least one performance measure under each question:
How much did we do?
How well did we do it?
Is anyone better off?
UWHC also recognizes that there is never a one-size-fits-all approach, nor is it all-inclusive of the work being done in Horry County. Agencies will be able to create their own additional performance measures to report on if they wish. We welcome feedback from agencies to finetune our shared performance measures.
Funding Eligibility Requirements
Organizational Requirements
- The organization is an incorporated, nonprofit, human service organization under the laws of the state of South Carolina and has tax-exempt status under section 501( c )( 3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code and a current fundraising registration (and in good standing) with the State of South Carolina’s Office of the Secretary of State.
- The organization has a Board of Directors of at least five (5) independent, non-compensated members that are active, representative voluntary governing bodies with regular meetings and are responsible for developing its mission, determining its strategic direction, and providing oversight.
- The organization has bylaws that state the purpose of the organization, make provisions for the size of the Board of Directors and provide rules for selection, tenure, number of officers and committees, financial and legal procedures, conflicts of interest, and quorum requirements.
- The Board of Directors meets at least four (4) times a year, operates with a quorum, and records minutes of all meetings.
- The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that sufficient funds are available for the organization to meet its objectives.
- The Board of Directors and staff agree to support United Way of Horry County’s mission statement and participate in the annual charitable-giving campaign, government relations, and communications activities, as requested.
- The organization is in compliance with the USA PATRIOT Act and other state and federal anti-terrorism laws.
- The organization has a history of providing services in Horry County for a minimum of three years.
Program Requirements
- The program provides services in Horry County.
- Services are provided free of discrimination based on race, national origin, religious belief, military and veteran status, disability, age, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
- The organization’s services align with one or more of United Way of Horry County’s priority impact areas and bold goals (refer to the Community Game Plan)
- The organization has the capacity and mechanisms in place to provide regular reporting of measurable, qualitative, and quantitative outcomes.
- The organization demonstrates reasonable efficiency of program management and adequacy of resources in materials and in personnel (volunteer and paid) to sustain a quality level of service.
Financial Requirements
- An applicant agency with total revenue of $500,000 or greater will be required to have an audit performed by an independent audit firm. An agency with total revenue of $499,999 or less will be required to complete the financial systems questionnaire signed by the Board President and two other members of the board.
- The organization has proof of adequate liability insurance coverage and will indemnify United Way of Horry County, its volunteers, and staff from any and all liability for any damage or injury caused to an employee, client, patron, agency, visitor, or guest of the organization.
- The Board of Directors inspects and approves the annual audit, or review, as well as IRS Form 990.
- The organization maintains a balanced budget or has an agreed-upon plan for meeting all deficits.
Interested in applying?
e-CImpact is United Way of Horry County’s online grant management system for nonprofit agencies and community impact vision council volunteers. Current community partners and new applicants can access the application through this link: https://agency.e-cimpact.com/login.aspx?org=43145U
If you need assistance accessing e-CImpact or navigating the system, please call 843-347-1183.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Katie Wise, Director of Community Impact, at katie@unitedwayhorry.org or call directly at (843) 347-1183 for more information or to further discuss your application.
Capacity Building Grant Program
The United Way of Horry County (UWHC) Capacity Building Grants Program invests in initiatives that help nonprofit organizations strengthen their internal management and governance or deepen strategic collaborations. Our community thrives when our nonprofit sector thrives. Our goal is to support the building of resilient nonprofits that can not only navigate through challenging times of disruption but also leverage opportunities that move their missions forward for the betterment of our community. We focus our grantmaking on organizations serving Horry County. All funds MUST stay in Horry County.
Below are examples of capacity-building activities and potential projects
- Planning Activities: organizational assessments, strategic planning, creating a development plan/strategy or a marketing plan/strategy.
- DEI: Diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging initiatives and/or training.
- Financial sustainability and strategic development, including diversification of revenue streams and reimagining fundraising activities (note: funds cannot be used specifically for implementing fundraisers).
- Board Development: leadership training, defining the role of the board in fundraising, and strengthening volunteer roles on a board level.
- Convening and/or collaboration support: agencies can apply for funding for staff time, resources, or space used to collaborate, develop, strategize, or plan to better serve clients.
- Internal Operations: improvements to donor database/financial management systems, volunteer management, equipment, software, technology, or facilities enhancements to better realize the organizational mission.
- Human resources: including efforts to promote staff retention and to promote staff/volunteer/board development needed to achieve capacity-building project goals.
- Professional Development: staff, contractor, or affiliate volunteer(s) attendance at regional/national conferences, local training, or online training.
- Proposals that include a combination of strategies will be considered, so long as the proposal clearly demonstrates how multiple strategies align toward common goals.
**For any project involving a significant purchase, a vendor quote detailing the cost will be required.
Projects not eligible or competitive for the Capacity Building grant program:
- Ongoing annual operating and program expenses
- Marketing materials or advertising
- Capital infrastructure projects (bricks and mortar)
- Debt Reduction
- Projects that will be completed prior to the grant award
- Capital Campaigns
- Monuments and Memorials
Eligibility & Requirements
This grant application opportunity is open to these organizations that align with at least one of the four pillars outlined in the UWHC Community Game Plan (Health, Education, Self-Sufficiency, and Basic Needs).
- 501 ( c )(3) public charities
- Organizations serving a charitable purpose that have a fiscal sponsor that is a 501 ( c )(3) public charity
- Faith-based organizations. We will only consider proposals if (1) services benefit all, regardless of religion; (2) services provided are not religious in nature; and (3) there is no proselytizing associated with the service
- Civic organizations. Proposals must be project-based and of a charitable nature; the organization much have a fiscal sponsor that is a 501 ( c)(3) nonprofit organization.
- Public and private schools. We will only fund projects that exceed the school’s budget;
- Other government agencies with project-based proposals.
- The organization has a history of providing services in Horry County for a minimum of three years.
Applicants are eligible to apply for funding once every twelve (12) months. For returning grantees, we recommend applying under a different category than previously funded to diversify project types.
Grant amounts
Projects serving individual organizations may apply for up to $5,000.
Grant requirements
- Grantees must complete a grant agreement to release funding
- An evaluation is due within one year of the grant award, including project deliverables and budgetary documentation
Interested in applying?
We recognize capacity-building needs can vary widely and welcome the opportunity to explore possibilities with you. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Katie Wise, Director of Community Impact, at katie@unitedwayhorry.org or call directly at (843) 347-1183 for more information or to further discuss your application.
e-CImpact is United Way of Horry County’s online grant management system for nonprofit agencies and community impact vision council volunteers. Current community partners and new applicants can access the application through the “e-CImpact for Agencies” button below. If you need assistance accessing e-CImpact or navigating the system, please call 843-347-1183.